Hey there folks! My blog has been inactive for a while but I am happy to say that something has started me blogging. I received this email from omy asking for volunteers to sign up for a product review. This product is none other than the latest coolest MILO Easy Cool. What is so cool about this new MILO product is that you need not add in hot water to mix as what you usually have to do to make your own beverages. You can just add in cold water so it is really so convenient because you can forget about boiling water when you realise you have ran out when you need a sip of energy drink. Dont believe me? Well check out my product review below!
The delivery came a few days ago in a big MILO bag. Inside the bag was a shaker bottle and a packet of MILO easy cool.
So well they also included this cool shaker bottle. But really I prefer my MILO in a cup so what I did was to mix my MILO in a cup and I used cold water. Of course with the shaker bottle, you can "Pour, Shake, and Be Cool" but what I think is that as long as you are drinking MILO, you are cool!
So just how convenient is it to enjoy cold MILO now that there is 3 in 1 easy cool MILO? Well first of all I opened up the milo bag and took out one of those MILO sachets. See this?
That the cool MILO in a packet. What I did next is to add the milo into the cup....
I know it kind of looks pretty weird, like a moon or even a science experiment. But I can only say that the milo powder still looks like what it used to look like. So why is this powder so special and dissolves in cold water? I will never find out and MILO will probably will never tell me their secret.
Anyways I proceeded to add cold water. And then I used a spoon to mix the drink. Well I didnt shake it because obviously it would create a big mess.
So you can see how easy that was. I think it took less than a minute. Definitely faster than it took for me to write this blog. And check out the condensation on the glass cup. That is pure cold MILO over there. So now you know how convenient it is to enjoy cold Milo, you probably should grab some at your nearest supermarket. The MILO in that cup you see above, tasted super delicious and refreshing, and I cant wait to get my next cup.
By the way, you might want to check out the MILO Facebook contest for users to submit videos. You have to submit videos that demonstrate "It's easy to be cool - When you know how", which of course means making MILO easy cool. Check out the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/milosingapore .